Demystifying Drop Spins on Flag

Drop spins are a fundamental part of any program you encounter nowadays. Let’s dive into the technique of "drop spins," answering some of the most common questions students and instructors have about this essential move!

What is the correct hand positioning for the start of drop spins?

(For the right side) Start with your right hand on the tab, thumb side of the hand facing the silk, again placed where the pole meets the silk. Your left hand should be on the cap of the pole, positioned the same way.

How do I initiate the spin?

Drop the flag straight down with your right hand and grab with your left hand; your thumbs facing down on the pole, you left under your right. Make sure you're balanced as you spin. Pull your left wrist up while holding on to the flag and grab with your right hand thumbs up right above the left. Keep this at the belly button level, with a slight arc down with the arms as you spin.

What should I be doing with my elbows and shoulders?

Your elbows shouldn't be doing much as you spin. There's a slight lift, but it's not a chicken wing movement. Press your shoulders down and elongate your neck as you spin.

I'm having trouble getting it right. What should I do?

Remember, mastering drop spins takes time and practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right away.

I'm an instructor. How can I best teach drop spins?

Start with hand positioning and guide your students through the spin itself with an emphasis on light grips and mechanic understanding. Remind them to keep their hands at the belly button level and press low with the shoulders. Their elbows shouldn't be doing ANYTHING as they spin. This is one of the most common issues, so just make sure you’re checking for that.

Encourage them to be patient with themselves and to keep practicing! Express the issues that you had with the exercise and let them know things that might have helped you.

Remember, whether you're a student or an instructor, mastering flag is a journey and I always say that “a drop spin is the start of a lifetime of passion.” Keep practicing, stay patient, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need help along the way.

Happy spinning!


Learning Rifle Spins: A Guide for Students and Instructors