Learning Rifle Spins: A Guide for Students and Instructors

Spins, Dropspins, Down-Ups; whatever you want to call them!

Color guard is a dynamic and vibrant art form, but spins are a basic, fundamental part of any successful colorguard program. Today, we're going to delve into the technique of "spins," breaking down the process step by step for both students and instructors.

For Students

Hand Positioning

Mastering drop spins starts with proper hand positioning. Begin from a flat position, with your right hand under and your left hand over. As you prepare to spin, push straight down. Remember, your right elbow should stay in the same spot - resist the urge to lift or move it around. It may shift slightly during the spin, but try to keep it in the same general area.

The Spin

Now, let's move onto the spin itself. Imagine you're turning a doorknob before opening a door - that's the kind of twisting motion you want to achieve with your hand. As you push and feel the rifle rotate and the tip rise around, let it go up out of the hand (only a couple inches away) and then back down in a smooth, controlled motion. Repeat this motion over and over, feeling a rotational pull towards the ground with each spin. This pull action is what initiates the next rotation of the next spin.

Practice Makes Perfect

Remember, mastering spins takes time and practice. Don't be discouraged if you don't get it right away. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification! You can learn spins in a course here:

For Instructors

Teaching Hand Positioning

When teaching spins, start with hand positioning. Ensure your students understand the importance of starting from a flat position, with their right hand under and their left hand over. Emphasize the need to push straight down and to keep the right elbow in the same spot during the spin.

Guiding the Spin

Next, guide your students through the spin itself. Encourage them to imagine twisting a doorknob to achieve the correct motion with their hand. As they push and feel the rifle tip rotate and rise, instruct them to let it go up and down in a smooth, controlled motion. Remind them to feel a rotational pull towards the ground with each spin, as this pull action is what initiates the next rotation of the next spin.

Encouraging Practice and Patience

Finally, remind your students that mastering spins, as with any technique, takes time and practice. Encourage them to be patient with themselves and to keep practicing. Be available to answer any questions they may have and provide further clarification as needed.

Remember, whether you're a student or an instructor, mastering color guard technique is a journey. Keep practicing, stay patient, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need help along the way.

I also have 2 courses that include tutorials for spins.

Rifle Book - Technique & Tosses

Beginner Rifle Course

Both of these courses have full tutorials of spins included in them!

Happy spinning!


Demystifying Drop Spins on Flag


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